The Music Representations team carries out research and development into the symbolic representation of musical structures, languages and computer paradigms adapted to music. This work finds application in both computer assisted composition (CAC) and computer-based musicology. Reflection into the high-level representation of musical concepts and structures supported by original computer languages developed by the team, leads to the conception of models, which can be used for both musical production and analysis.

Distributed to a large community of musicians, OpenMusic and other software developed by the team haave provoked new ways of thinking, which exploit the computer possibilities for simultaneously representing and executing musical scores, their formal underlying structures and their generative processes. Works elaborated in such a way contain, to a great extent, parts of their own structural analysis. On the musicology side, the representation and modelling tools enable a truly experimental approach, injecting considerable dynamism to a discipline still under-represented in France.


New : 2012-2017 Activity Report

Research Areas / Projects

National and international Project Grants
  • DYCI2: Dynamiques créatives de l'interaction improvisée (ANR).
  • PACO: Processus d'Apprentissage en Composition assistée par Ordinateur (PEPS I3A 2018)
  • EFFICAC(e): Extended Frameworks for "In-time" Computer-Aided Composition (ANR JCJC 2013-2017).
  • INEDIT: Interactivité dans l'écriture de l'interaction et du temps (ANR).
Other Projects and Collaborations



Past Events

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  • MCM 2011: Third International Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music.
  • IMHM'07: 19e conférence francophone sur l'interaction homme-machine (2007)
  • SMC'04: Sound and Music Computing Conference (2004).
  • Séminaires sur l'analyse (2002).
  • CP-2001: Musical Constraints Workshop (2001)
  • Fourth Mathematical Forum DIDEROT (1999).
  • Séminaire AFPLC: Musique et Contraintes (1999)
  • ECAI'98 Workshop: Constraint Techniques for Artistic Applications (Brighton, UK, 1998).
  • JIM'96: Journées d'Informatique Musicale (Ile de Tatihou, France, 1996).



ATIAM Master's program (Acoustique, Traitement de signal, Informatique Appliqués à la Musique)

Module "Méthodes mathématiques et informatiques pour la création musicale"
Master ICA – Spécialité AST (Art, Science et Technologie), PHELMA – INP Grenoble


RepMus Team:
PhD Students

Emily Graber
Emma Frid
Corentin Guichaoua

Research Engineers

Lawrence Fyfe
Charles Picasso


Sasha Blondeau
Sivan Eldar
Aaron Einbond (Vertigo STARTS Residency, 2019-2020)
Anders Vinjar (IRCAM Musical Research Residency, 2019-2020)

Associate Researchers


PhD students

Arnaud Dessein (RepMus/IMTR)
Grégoire Carpentier
Antoine Allombert (IRCAM/LabRI)
John Mandereau (Università di Pisa/IRCAM)
Louis Bigo (LACL/IRCAM)
Benjamin Levy
José Echeveste
Marlon Schumacher (McGill University)
Charles de Paiva Santana (UPMC/UNICAMP)
Hélianthe Caure
Dimitri Bouche
Philippe Cuvillier
Clément Poncelet
Mattia Bergomi
Grégoire Genuys
Daniele Ghisi
Julia Blondeau (IRCAM)
Pierre Talbot
Fivos Maniatakos

Previous members/post-docs/invited researchers

Florent Jacquemard
Mika Kuuskankare (2011) (2011)
Peter Van Roy (2009)
Tsubasa Tanaka


home.txt · Dernière modification: 2023/02/25 16:44 par Gérard Assayag